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10 Newborn Essentials for the First Month

Congrats new mom! Soon you will be welcoming home a snuggling little newborn. With that, you are probably looking at those first few months with a little bit of trepidation and fear. Don’t worry mama I have got you covered with this newborn essentials list! I’ve...

Newborn Tips

The newborn stage is hard! Your body is recovering from a natural but intense ordeal, you are sleep deprived, and your whole life has just turned 100% upside down! But in my opinion, the newborn stage is the absolute best! It is the time for cozy snuggles, taking it...

Newborn Schedule

You spend days, weeks, and months planning for your big day. You read blog posts, listen to podcasts, and might even pick up a few books. Which big day am I talking about? The day you go into labor of course! You have your bags packed, birth affirmations are written...

My Dirty Truth on Essential Oils

Essential oils are such a hot topic these days. Everyone has an opinion, and there seems to be conflicting information out there everywhere! Because if this I wanted to share my main thoughts and feelings on essential oils and how I use/don’t use them in my...

10 Minute Tasks

Life is busy, especially with little ones running around. Add in a part-time job, full-time job or any curveballs like a sick family member and you have the recipe for what can feel like a disaster to your life, sanity, and home. As a blogger with a full-time job and...

5 Time Management Tips for Busy Moms

Being a mom is hard! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! Being a mom to a baby or young children can be even harder! Sleep deprivation is rough! Being a working mom seems to be the hardest still! Working, trying to raise a child, and keeping a household running is a...